Instructions and precautions for yoga exercises

  Before starting yoga exercises we need to follow some instructions and take precautions for the same. Instructions. Exercise should always be done on mattress, sheet or blanket spread out on the floor. Place where you want to yoga should be neat and clean, open and well ventilated . Let it be in your room, garden, park or your terrace. Always practise yoga at normal temperature. Choose the time to practise either  morning or in the evening , three or four hours after  lunch. Try to practise at an appropriate time to avoid any issues.  One should practise everyday but not at the time when you have high fever, have pain in any part of body or your mind is disappointed. If while practising or after doing yoga you experience pain , then do not do those exercises, consult an expert. Initially do yoga exercises under the supervision of you guru or teacher as they are expert to guide you properly the postures.. Pray before and after the practise of yoga ,as it stimulates your mind and body

What marks or percentage?

In today's world , parent's are pressurising their kids or stressing upon obtaining marks.  

Getting excellent or good marks  or percentage is really the need of the hour ?

Parent's view point 

Marks play important role to get admission.
Marks  show how well our child is studying?
Marks give feedback.
Sharing marks or percentage is a matter of status symbol.

Child's view point

How can percentage or marks determine my capabilities ?
Can marks help me  to outshine in competition ?
Being well informed or knowledgeable  is not good ?
Will my marks or percentage be asked by my employer during interview ?
Will employer recruit me if my percentage is good? 

What is your opinion ?

As a parent  what do you think ?

There are many success stories of people who were not  class apart or outshined in their school or college level have not been successful.

In every field competitive exams are there to get into your field of choice. So be smart,be well informed,be knowledgeable, be updated.

While entering, college your knowledge is tested
While entering  or for obtaining job your skill to solve problems  will be tested.
 So do you think as a parent  how much marks your child score matters.

 Do not make percentage or marks as a matter of status -  instead feel proud of your child being intelligent enough to pass the hurdles of education with ease. Be proud of the fact that your child has potential and capability to do so.
Encourage your child to read or watch not only success stories but failure stories too to get inspiration and be aware of steps to be taken to achieve their goal.

Most importantly, feel proud of your child being smart and intelligent enough to face the problems of life.

Prepare your child to focus on 
How to dealt with failures, solve problems.
How to deal with worst situations and successfully come out of it with grace.

 Always teach your child  that exams are part of life . Do not be frightened.

As after every dark phase their is a golden light to pave your way through to feel happy and content that you crossed these hurdles  with your  self confidence ,hard work, and

Now is the time to relax or taste your success or share your success with your near and dear ones

Let your kids feel free to express themselves, whether it's related to marks, percentage or any issue related to their life.

Be  a friend,a guide ,a philosopher  to guide them to toughest of time.

Remember parents guidance is important and that is what you are giving  them as assest to guide future generations.




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