Instructions and precautions for yoga exercises

  Before starting yoga exercises we need to follow some instructions and take precautions for the same. Instructions. Exercise should always be done on mattress, sheet or blanket spread out on the floor. Place where you want to yoga should be neat and clean, open and well ventilated . Let it be in your room, garden, park or your terrace. Always practise yoga at normal temperature. Choose the time to practise either  morning or in the evening , three or four hours after  lunch. Try to practise at an appropriate time to avoid any issues.  One should practise everyday but not at the time when you have high fever, have pain in any part of body or your mind is disappointed. If while practising or after doing yoga you experience pain , then do not do those exercises, consult an expert. Initially do yoga exercises under the supervision of you guru or teacher as they are expert to guide you properly the postures.. Pray before and after the practise of yoga ,as it stimulates your mind and body

Employees are important.

 Why employees are important?

Employees are the one who help in production of finished goods.(blue collar employees)

Employees are important to plan,formulate, organise,directing,execute and controlling (,white collar employees ) the managerial level at plant level.They are an asset to an organisation. Employees are the backbone of any organisation

Why we should value employees?

Right from the time you enter your organisation.

  • The security personnel at gate or persons working for you in the organisation play an important role as they are key to entry or exit of some strangers or employees coming for official work.. They are to be valued and recognised,appreciated and most important respected.
  • At plant level ,the employees engaged in different department for the production of goods also are important ,their suggestion should be listen to carefully as these are the employees who are knowing the ground report and can help in reduction of waste and increase in production.
  • They should be respected ,recognised  either with appreciation certificate or momento or monetary gift should be given for their valuable work or suggestion and  valued as they re the true resource and need to be preserved.
  • The employees should be made to believe that this organisation is their own and they are the family of the organisation then these employees are the one who can turn out to be the one who with their  dedication and devotion help  to grow the company
  • Always create  a  relationship of trust , congenial environment  for everyone's growth.
  • At middle level ,the employees working should have a very good  report as they are the one who guide the employees in execution of the plan. 
  • Always have some small celebrations to have a lively atmosphere,environment  and to develop a family feeling among employees .
  • Employees are the base ,cherish these assets,take proper care, spread feeling of oneness
  Working during Covid time?

Employees deserve a big salute for they are coming out to work for 12-14 hrs in shifts to fulfill society demands .They are risking their life but feel that service to society is their first duty. A big salute to their families as well and parents who have raised them with such values .




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